Magic Realm
Magic Realm
Spacer Card Control
Last edited on: Thursday, 28 October, 2004
Card Control
Top Pass
Bottom Pass
Table Cut
Hollywood Cut
Credits & Links
Project report
"Spotters" are people who are there to spot your moves. DO NOT PERFORM TO THEM!
:: Triple Table Cut ::
  • Effects: The deck is being cut into 3 seperate packets, keeping the original postion of the deck.
  • Level of Difficulty: Medium
  • Level of Amazement: "Hey! Did I see what i just saw??! "
  • Preperations: NIL
  • Points to Note: This move is basically to confuse the audience, therefore it should be done in a fast manner.
The deck is placed on the table, with left hand thumb and middle finger grabbing the bottom 1/3 of the deck and right hand thumb and middle finger grabs the remaining 2/3 of the deck. (Note: For the purpose of this demostration, the chosen card, Ace of Hearts, will be shown face up.)
Slide the bottom 1/3 packet (a) to the top of the deck, tilting the packet at an angle of about 45 degrees. Left hand thumb and middle finger remain holding the packet (a) and at the same time, grabs 1/2 of the initial 2/3 packet (c), right hand thumb and middle finger grabs the other 1/2 (d).
Both hands pulls out at the same time (c & d), dropping packet (a).
Drop packet (c), followed by (d), which forms back (b), on top of (a).
Square up the deck. The 'desired' card will still remain on top of the deck. Whole deck retention, or 'unchanged order'.
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Murdoch University